- Hawaiian green sea turtles are listed as threatened.
- Found throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago, a range of about 1500 miles
- A gentle vegetarian, feeding almost exclusively on algae
- The most valuable of all reptiles, they were once killed for their skins, calipee, meat and shells, but are no longer hunted in Hawaii
- In parts of Hawaii (Honokowai) more than 90% of the green sea turtles are afflicted with fibropapilloma tumors
- The largest of the hard-shelled marine turtles: common adult weight of 250 lbs and length of over 3 feet
- Hatchlings: 4-5 cm in length
For more information about the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle and other local marine life, check out NOAA.
At Private Tours Hawaii, we recommend viewing Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles from a safe distance on the island of Oahu and throughout the Hawaiian Island Chain.