"Francisco de Paula Marin, a Spanish adventurer who became a trusted advisor to King Kamehameha the Great, successfully raised pineapples in the early 1800s. A sailor, Captain John Kidwell, is credited with founding Hawaii’s pineapple industry, importing and testing a number of varieties in the 1800s for commercial crop potential. But it wasn’t until James Drummond Dole arrived in the islands that the pineapple was transformed from an American symbol of friendship and exotic locales into an American household staple."
A few things you should know about pineapple plants:
- Pineapples don't need much water. They have very tough leaves so they don't lose much water through evaporation. They can get by on very little.
- Pineapples don't need much soil or high quality soil. They belong to the family of bromeliads, and like all bromeliads they do not have a big root system.
- Pineapples get a lot of their water and nutrition through their leaves.
- Pineapples like slightly acidic soils, which is what most gardens have anyway.
- Pineapples grow in full sun, even in the hottest climates, but they also do well in dappled shade.
- Pineapples grow very happily in pots or tubs.
- soggy, waterlogged soils,
- having their leaves burned with concentrated fertilisers,
- frost.
And interestingly enough, a pineapple can be grown (under correct conditions) by simply twisting off the crown of a mature pineapple fruit and planting it in the soil!
For more information about this modern Hawaiian favorite, visit the Dole Pineapple plantation website.